Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

They’re standing in your kitchen falling apart. Their life is crumbling before their very eyes. Everything they knew to be reliable has become unreliable. Hope is fading quickly. God seems irrelevant, and not a single bit of the usual verbage is adequate salve for the wound that’s producing such pain.

What do you say…

What are the right words? What brings hope? Nothing is working… It’s like gasping for air in a small tank. Quickly you pray… Lord, bring me something with life on it, we’re loosing here… And, then it comes. Softly, quickly, and not so eloquently as it tumbles out of your mouth.

I believe in you…

Is it enough? Yes… it’s like a soft rain on a parched land. To be believed in is like leaning on a crutch when they’re broken inside.

I am here for you…

Is it enough? Yes… it’s like the warm blanket on a cold night. To know they’re not alone keeps alive the desire to try one more day when isolation feels like their only friend.

Never underestimate the power of your words. They bring hope to the hopeless, and power to the powerless.

Look beyond the obvious. Speak out what they can’t see, but you know is in them. Calling out the things that are not as though they are is where true life lies on our words.

The Bible says the tongue can bring life or death (Proverbs 18:21). Pray for wisdom in using your words, they hold the power to shape a life.

Now Your Turn: When has someone spoke life over you? When have you had the opportunity to speak life over another? Ask God to give you the opportunity today to speak life. Let’s Chat…

2 replies
  1. Liz Frangos
    Liz Frangos says:

    Thanks Beth for such a simple revelation. I tend to be very wordy when trying to comfort someone. Then I realize I am just making noise. I know I would be much more helpful if I prayed more and spoke less.

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