SLAM! A throbbing head, a sick stomach. Intense pressure building on the shoulders, the back feels like it’s literally hunching over from the weight. The body is drained from all it’s energy, and words are absent apart from Help me God…

That is what a blind side blow from the enemy can feel like…

Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been on the receiving end of a few of those blows from the devil, and they’ve felt like a hit from a linebacker!

I go to wield my sword to fight the battle, but the words are absent apart from a cry for help.

King David said, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. (Psalm 119:11) I think I hid it too well, because after the hit, I was too dazed to remember a single word to fight with!

Jesus defeated the devil in the desert by the Word of God, and that’s our example of how to fight a spiritual battle. I know scripture, but I rely heavily on my concordance.

If you read my post, What Limits God you will know memorization is not my strength. I think I have used that as an excuse not to try. But scripture says, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Phil 4:13

So, I am going on a quest to memorize scripture, including the addresses! So that the next time the enemy wants to blind side me, I’m ready to kick His ______! (You fill in the blank based on your degree of religiousness!) 🙂

I invite you to join me. On Facebook, I will be changing my Mentor Monday to Memorize It Monday. Psalm 119:97 says Oh how I love your law, I meditate on them day and night. My goal is to post a new scripture each Monday to meditate on throughout the week.

I intend to raise the stock price of Post-It Notes, too! Since I sit a lot at the computer, I’m in the bathroom regularly, I go to the refrigerator often, and I’m in the car at least 5 times a day, I’m taking post-it notes in all those locations.  In my car, I’m quoting it at every red light; at the fridge, I’m feasting on the word and not food (maybe I’ll drop a few pounds!); the mirror, I will rehearse a scripture instead of how poor my skin looks; and at my computer, I will run scripture before I run my password to Facebook!

If you want to memorize together, send me an email, FB message me, or comment on this post, and let me know you’re going to walk it with me! I would love to hear how the journey goes, so keep me posted with your progress!

As iron sharpens iron so a friend sharpens a friend. (Proverbs 27:17). Together we will sharpen our sword, and defend our homes and ourselves from the blind side attacks of the enemy!



6 replies
    • Beth
      Beth says:

      That’s awesome Nancy. Feel free to share some of your tips on what you do to help keep God’s word hidden in your heart.

  1. Angi Roe
    Angi Roe says:

    Great idea! I want to take the challenge. There is a cool bible memory app…the one with the index finger with the string tied around it. It is great, but you do have to use it. I love the post-its all over too.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Angi,

      Every Monday I post a scripture! Thanks for the tip about the app! Look how far you’ve come in your cell phone use! 🙂

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