For nothing is impossible with God. Luke 1:37

The bell rings, the sixth graders return to their classrooms. The teacher excuses the students who do not stay in class for math – that would have been me. I picked up my book, my pencil, and my packet and left.

For the remainder of my school years, math was never done in the classroom with the regular students. Math was always done in a “special” classroom. As I got older, I realized much of school was not done in “regular” classrooms. I struggled with memorization, reading, grammar, and  comprehension. There wasn’t a lot of hope for an ivy league college in my future. I could barely pull C’s.

Fast forward my life… I am a mother. It’s on my heart to homeschool my children. I just couldn’t figure out how I would do that. I was terrible at school. I wanted my children to have the best education possible. However, I knew God must have a plan, so I honored Him and homeschooled in obedience.

Fast forward my life… I’m in women’s ministry. It’s on my heart to speak and teach women. I just couldn’t figure out how I would do that. I was terrible at memorization, reading, and comprehension. I wanted the women to have the best of God. However, I knew God must have a plan, so I honored Him and spoke and taught women in obedience.

Fast forward my life… I am a writer. It was on my heart to write. I just couldn’t figure out how I would do that. I am terrible at grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I wanted what I wrote to make sense and be usable. However, I knew God must have a plan, so I honored Him and wrote a blog and a women’s study in obedience.

The night before Jesus was crucified He prayed to God to remove the suffering that was on His heart to endure; however He ended it with …yet I want your will to be done, not mine. Then a limitless God removed Jesus’ own limitations – and He endured.

In all the things God asks of us, there are two predictable outcomes:

In our obedience He makes our limitations limitless.


In our disobedience we limit a limitless God.

I’ve never seen God’s will be fulfilled solely upon a person’s natural abilities. Yet, on more than one occasion, I’ve limited God through my disobedience, because I was focused on just my limitations.

What about you? Do you soar in limitless possibilities through obedience to God’s will for your life? Or are you caged in impossibilities by your own will? How do you push past and get to a place where you say “yet, I want your will to be done, not mine.” Let’s Chat…


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  1. […] you read my post, What Limits God you will know memorization is not my strength. I think I have used that as an excuse not to try. […]

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