“I don’t know why I said yes! I don’t want to do this!”

“Honey, what’s the big deal? You’ll be speaking in front of hundreds of women for hours, what’s five minutes making announcements?”

“I don’t know, I would rather go to the dentist then make the announcements on Sunday!”

“You’ll do fine, just get up there and be you!”

Yet another moment of fear as I prepare for the message on March 22.  All I can think of is all of our wonderful service hosts who get up every weekend and make great announcements, talk about the offering, make you feel welcome…

…and then there is me!

The thought of all eyes watching me for the first time makes me want to vomit.

No really, I just might!

Public speaking isn’t really that easy for me. If I look comfortable it’s the Holy Spirit faking you out, because I am definitely not a natural at it! One-on-one mentoring, I can do.  Small group ministry, I’ve come to enjoy… even workshops are getting easier – but what if I trip going up on to the stage this Sunday?

Oh gosh, what if I say something stupid?

Worse yet, what if they ask me never to do it again? Can I live with such an epic failure?

Those are the real fears that swirl in my head, and I am sure the heads of many who are asked to step out and do something all too new and all too risky!

Why is it when God calls us to step out, we automatically disqualify ourselves with a laundry list of can’ts, shouldn’ts, ought not too’s… and we refuse find one good reason to say yes?

I think it’s because we compare ourselves to what we see of others who have gone before.

We instantly disqualify ourselves based upon what we know of our own abilities.

However, when God asks us to step out and do something new, He isn’t asking us to step out and do it like someone else. No, He’s already got that – He’s asking us to do it OUR WAY!

He’s asking you and me to be the best level of us that we’re able to be, and leave the rest up to Him!

God has never once asked me to go out and act like another, and or even to be spectacular. He’s asking me to go out and be me. He’s asks me to go out and do what He’s asked me to do the “Beth way” because that’s the easiest way for me to be!

I know God desires obedience over sacrifice, but this weekend’s service feels like He’s getting both from me!

{NOW YOUR TURN} Is there anything that God is prompting you to do, from which you’ve already disqualified yourself because you don’t look like everyone else you know whose doing it? Let me know if you will make the commitment to just do it afraid.  Step out and do it afraid YOUR WAY!