You'll spend a lot of your life feeling like you don't fit in. Most of the time, you'll believe it's because you're not enough, and then you'll swing to you're just too much. Somewhere along the way, you'll lose yourself, but you'll discover her again. You will actually fall in love with her, and fitting in won't seem to be that big of a deal. But it will suck that the revelation comes so much later in life.
The 2020 Pandemic Exposed My Weaknesses, Defenses, Strengths, and Potential
A Letter to My 8-Year-Old Self
Show Your Underbelly -- My Struggle with Vulnerability
New Beginnings... Again
Lessons Learned Between 40 and 49
Bound In My Christian Chains
Don't Trust Your Feelings
What Happened to Beth in 2018?
Being Christian With A Mental Illness
Remade June Newsletter