Speak Life! Fear is exhausting but faith is empowering! Your situation may not completely change, but your faith will completely change your perspective on the situation.

4 replies
  1. Staci
    Staci says:

    Beth, I LOVED this video and it spoke so much to me when I watched it last night. You are so on point and to fearlessly declare His truth in our most difficult moments is what transforms us and shines light into darkness! Love it! I shared this video with my Good Morning Girls group this morning and have received great response already! <3

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Staci, I am so grateful that the video spoke to you. Trust me, I am often preaching to myself! Have a blessed day, and thanks for sharing it with your other small group. So grateful others are receiving from it. hugs!

  2. Stephanie
    Stephanie says:

    Beth, Thank you so much, your video was exactly what I needed to hear. It made me realize that I have also been praying out of fear as well. I am working on redirecting my thoughts and prayers from fear into fearless. I am striving to fearlessly declare that God is transforming me, taking care of the situations at hand, and that I find rest in His love for me as one of His children. I really needed to hear your message today…thank you for helping me to “redirect” back to where I need to be!

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Stephanie,

      I am so glad the video encouraged you! I would also encourage you to even ask God to impart to you His word which is the weapon you use to fearlessly pray. We can try to work ourselves up to be brave and face the fear and pray bold fearless prayers; however, that buildup only lasts as long as the good feeling inside us does! Yet, when God imparts a specific scripture into our hearts otherwise known as a Rhema word, it’s gives us the power and authority we need to pray bold, fearless prayers in spite of what we are feeling or what we are seeing!

      Rhema in the Greek is knows as utterance or thing said. When believers say they have a Rhema word from God, it is usually a scripture that God imparts through reading the Bible. You may have heard people say – I’ve read that scripture a hundred times but it just “jumped” out at me this time and was just what I needed. That’s is often a Rhema word.

      Scripture says the Word of God is our weapons for warfare. In the Old Testament, God never asked His army to go into battle without a battle plan. So pray and ask the Lord how He would have you pray in your specific situation, and the specific scripture to wield in battle as you pray fearlessly!

      I am standing with you believing for the same miracles in your life as you are, because we are in love with a God who specializes in miracles! Hugs!

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