Sometimes when you’ve been in the battle for awhile, you can feel like you’ve prayed all of your best prayers. Eventually you’ll connect the effectiveness of your prayers to what you can see with your eyes. It’s easy to forget that prayers are spiritual, and they impact the spirit realm long before the physical realm ever shows signs of change.

When we pray alone we are prone to discouragement, fear, and frustration; which are all signs of battle fatigue. A tired solider will lay down their armor piece by piece until they’re fully exposed. Once exposed, the warrior is no longer a threat but a target!

The US Army had a recruiting slogan Army of One. However, that was a short lived slogan, because it was contrary to their core values of teamwork. The US Army knew it took more than one on a battlefield for victory!

The same goes for the wars we are waging in the spirit. It takes a multitude of fearless warriors to stand in the gap. Yet, oddly enough we stand alone in battle until we just can’t stand anymore.

Moses, the leader of Israel, would stand alone and pray for the Israelites; however, God knew Moses couldn’t take that posture for every long. In a battle against the Amalekites in Exodus 17, God showed Moses that he would need many for Israel to have victory. At that battle, Moses stood on a hill with his brother Aaron and a leader named Hur. As long as Moses held up his hands the Israelites were winning, but when he lowered them the Amalekites would overtake Israel. On his own, Moses could not maintain that posture for very long. As he grew tired, Aaron and Hur stood on either side of him holding up his hands to assure Israel’s victory.

The same is true for us! As we stand in a posture of prayer, we give God permission to access our situation and fight on our behalf. When we lay down our armor, the enemy takes full advantage of our weakness and overtakes our situation. As with the US Army and Moses, no one can go into a battle alone and win. Very few victories come quickly, and wars are waged for years. It’s imperative we have sister’s in arms who will go into battle with us! 

Our family isn’t immune to attacks anymore than yours is. We’ve been in a battle that has felt never ending and always repeating! Like God showed Moses, I cannot do this alone! It is time to call others into the battle and fight together.

There has been a war waged against future generations that is relentless, and God needs warriors who will pray relentlessly! So, on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, I will be holding a prayer group in my home. If you are local, I invite you to come and stand on the hill with me, like Moses and his friends. Together we will relentlessly pray for future generations with an emphasis on our own children. If you receive this blog out of my area, I invite you to gather women in your own area and pray together as often as your schedule will allow.

Be your sister’s keeper! Don’t lay down your weapons, and don’t let your sister lay down hers either!

We are here for you! If you don’t have sisters in arms yet, I encourage you to pray for an Aaron and a Hur in your life. Until God brings them, you can send us your prayer requests and we will stand on the hill with you!


Believing For Victory!
