I’m fourty-two years old and I walked into my first Victoria’s Secret store this weekend. I actually wasn’t there for me, but I’d always heard that a woman should be measured for bra size, so while I was there I thought – what the heck let’s give it a try!

The woman asked me my size and if I felt it fit. I had no complaints, she measured me, and handed me the size I said. In the dressing room, I was unimpressed by what I saw. I mean this is Victoria’s Secret, shouldn’t I feel incredible? What’s all the hype?

I opened the dressing room door, and said it’s nice but it just doesn’t feel right. She smiled, and suggested I try on the one she was holding. From that moment forward, I do believe the heaven’s opened up in my dressing room, the Hallelujah Choir began to sing, and life as I knew had changed!

I yanked open the door, and with a grin on her face, she said how is that? I was floored, I’d never felt more sexy, or more comfortable in a bra! I felt released, or free, or something exhilarating!  My girls were sitting where they belonged, and the top I was wearing looked amazing on me! Then she told me I had just gone up two bra sizes! What?! There must be something wrong. I’ve been buying bras since I was a teenager!

She had to have made a mistake, but had she? I felt amazing and I looked amazing!

She shared with me that 80% of all women, who wear a bra, are wearing the wrong bra size! I thought to myself this is a down right crime! All women should feel the way I do this very moment! Why hadn’t I listened all those years before?

After purchasing two bras that made me feel like a super model, I couldn’t get home fast enough to toss the old one in the trash and put on my new one. After wearing something so comfortable, it felt unnatural to put on the old bra! I wanted to feel amazing again!

As I was driving home replying her statistic it floored me how something so simple, as purchasing a bra, was being done incorrectly by most women!

Then, I had this thought… the majority of all Believers are walking around thinking they have the right relationship with Jesus Christ, but they, too, are deceived. It’s simple, we try out a few churches, and attend the one that feels right, and go about our lives unaware of the more we can have through Him!

We settle for only what we can glean from Sunday services. We’ve heard that as believers we should have healing from our past, freedom in forgiveness, and purpose in life, but we just haven’t found it. Like the old bra, we are okay with the relationship we are wearing right now.

When I received healing from my past, learned to walk in forgiveness in my present, and was given a hope for my future, wearing anything less feels unnatural.

All it took to live like this was to measure the cost. To make some of the difficult choices to forgive those who have hurt me, walk in obedience to His word, and trust Him with my future. I had to stop doing it my own way, and listen to the advice from those who had the more of Him I was hearing about.

It certainly wasn’t an easy road, and the choices have always challenged my way natural tendencies, but I’ve never regretted it. Just like I didn’t regret paying three times more what I would pay for the wrong bra, on the right one!

So come on girls, go get measured for the right size bra AND go measure the cost for the more in Jesus!

6 replies
  1. Cassandra
    Cassandra says:

    I told the gal at Victoria’s Secret what size I wore, and said, “Oh honey” with a furrowed brow and much condescension. Come to find out, I was right, and perhaps she may have learned that things are not always as they may seem.
    That’s my analogy! I can’t figure some things out with God, so I just keep giving it all back to Him. I know things are not as they seem, so I just keep asking Him to show me how they really are. Without your story, I may not have been able to articulate mine, so thanks!
    And spot on about the wives supporting their husbands. I get bitter when I see my married friends nag their husbands. Because I am unmarried, they’d never hear me tell them that is not the way. It’s sad. I hope lots of women take notice!

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Cassie,

      I’m glad you enjoyed both articles. Sometimes it’s harder to appreciate the gift you have (a husband) when you’ve never not had it. Sometimes it takes the view of someone from the outside looking in to help remind us of the gift.

      And, there are so many things I don’t understand that I’m constantly throwing back to Him! So welcome to the throwback club! I hope life is going well for you sweet friend!

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