Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Two speaking engagements in one weekend, two completely different groups, and two completely different messages – so I thought…

In preparing, I couldn’t get clarity on the second message, and I life wasn’t allowing for a lot of prep time for the first.

Saturday arrived, and my lack of solid prep time didn’t dampen that day one bit! The women I spoke to were so loving and friendly, and the presence of God was thick!

Yet, Saturday evening arrived, and I  still had no clear direction for Sunday’s engagement!

I shared with God, if it wasn’t from Him, I wasn’t saying it! However, the only thing that conversation did for me was ease my stress just a tad!

At 4:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, I was wide awake. I thought, now God’s going to speak. So I went downstairs in the quiet, and I began to pray and read my Bible. After an hour I was tired again, and still no real direction, so back to bed I went.

By 8:00 a.m. I’m awake again, downstairs in my chair, Bible and notebook, and sitting still before the Lord. Three hours before I have to be at church, and six hours before I am supposed to be speaking. BAM!

A rushing download from heaven begins to flow. I sit in my chair typing and looking up scriptures like a crazy lady!

In three hours, I had a message typed and ready to go! Only God! It’s always only God!

How about you? Are you facing something in your life, that for lack of a better word, seems IMPOSSIBLE to do? Does the phone call that needs to be made, the repentance that needs to be said, the forgiveness that needs to be extended, the dream that needs to be fulfilled, or the task that must be completed all seem daunting and unimaginable?

Apart from God, our god-abilties should seem impossible! Nevertheless, with God’s ability everything becomes POSSIBLE!


2 replies
  1. Angi Roe
    Angi Roe says:

    Thanks so much for being so open to be used by God and encourage women. I know that you did just that this past weekend. It was a blessing to many. You are special!

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