Jesus Doesn’t Trust You… Reading that is like nails down a chalkboard to me! What do you mean He doesn’t trust me! I mean I want to be trusted… Everyone wants to be trusted. Heck, most of us live our lives proving we are trustworthy to someone!

As believers, we try to live a life worthy of being trusted by God. We saddle ourselves with the responsibility that we need to convince God He can trust us before He will move in our lives. Consequently, it’s never been about being trusted by Him.

Because of the miraculous signs Jesus did in Jerusalem at the Passover celebration, many began to trust in him. But Jesus didn’t trust them, because he knew human nature. No one needed to tell him what mankind is really like. John 2:23-25

Jesus didn’t have to trust us in order to give us His life in return. He knew how fickle we are. He knew that we’d only trust Him when He’s proving Himself and moving in our lives. Nevertheless, only because He loves us and wants to be intimately known, He endured the brutal death of the cross.

I simply cannot comprehend that type of love. 

As believers, what if we lived our lives with the understanding that He never trusted us to begin with, and still doesn’t. What if our lifestyle reflected one simple concept, that He died for us, and pours His favor upon us simply because He loves us and wants US to intimately know Him.

If we lived our lives like that, then I am convinced non-believers and believers alike would be set free from a religious mindset that complicates the real reason He died.

We would be set free from believing it’s in how we live and act that causes God to move in our lives, and realize that He does it not because we are trustworthy, but because He simply loves us and wants to be known. 

In that freedom, I believe it would release a desire to understand Him more. It would activate a hunger to know Him, and a longing to be close to Him. In our pursuit it would unleash a purity in our relationship with Him that others would want to seek out.

The world is looking for the authentic presence of something – as believers we need to shed the religious mindset so that they can see the authentic Christ in us! Stop trying to get God to trust you, and begin by getting to know the character of Christ. He keeps proving Himself to you so you will trust in Him, stop trying to get Him to trust in you!

How to Know Him Intimately: 

Pray: Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you. 

Read: Start with Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Make note of the Red Letters. Pay attention to how He speaks and what is important to Him. 

Worship: Take time out of your day to worship Jesus. It is through song that our hearts connect intimately. Let the words in music connect your heart intimately with the Son of God. 

7 replies
  1. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    Great post! It is perfect in that I deal with anxiety of my confessed past sins. But anxiety will creep in when I least expect it and I find myself trying to prove to Jesus I’m not who I was. There is freedom in knowing that Jesus will never trust me but yet His LOVE makes it so I don’t have to prove myself to him, I don’t have to worry about what others would say of my sins, I don’t need to be in bondage because Jesus paid it all at the cross. It makes me so thankful that he saved a wretch like me and that He is the Lord of my life. It makes me want to kneel on the floor and cry.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hey Jen,

      I am glad you liked the post. It is true, when we realize how He has done something so amazing for us just so that we can know Him does make us want to fall on our knees before Him.

  2. Nancy King
    Nancy King says:

    Good post! It has always been our trust (faith) in HIM that pleases Him. He is always looking for the hearts that will wholeheartedly trust Him, not just at the point of salvation, but in every minute detail of our lives.
    How to know God intimately, I know you know and have taught this Beth, but I would add to the list… Be still, and know Him. Sometimes (on a regular basis :o)) we just need to be silent and still, rest in His presence and listen for His still small voice :o)

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Nancy,

      Thanks for the post. I always love it when you stop by. Yes, being still is definitely something that comes with getting to know Him. I believe it comes right out of the Pray, Read, and Worship! 🙂

  3. Cassandra
    Cassandra says:

    What a great and freeing perspective. Phew. Thanks. And thanks for the above comments, they also encouraged me.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Cassandra,

      Thanks for the comment. Before I published this I specifically prayed over it that people would be set free! I am so grateful this encouraged you.


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