The 2020 Pandemic Exposed My Weaknesses, Defenses, Strengths, and Potential
Not unlike most of the world, 2020 threw me into a tailspin and exposed a shadow side I was unaware of. My last post was a tribute to turning 50, where the future was my to possess. Little did I know four weeks later, everyone's world would be turned upside down. And I would see just how emotionally unhealthy I really was.
A Letter to My 8-Year-Old Self
You'll spend a lot of your life feeling like you don't fit in. Most of the time, you'll believe it's because you're not enough, and then you'll swing to you're just too much. Somewhere along the way, you'll lose yourself, but you'll discover her again. You will actually fall in love with her, and fitting in won't seem to be that big of a deal. But it will suck that the revelation comes so much later in life.
Show Your Underbelly -- My Struggle with Vulnerability
I sat on the couch, her office was cozy and lit only by the lamps on the end tables. She leaned back in the grey leather recliner perfectly positioned in the corner of the room. The only thing missing was a warm cup of coffee. For a moment…
New Beginnings... Again
I don't remember much after she began prophesying over me. I was trying to make sense of a word that wasn't making sense. What did she mean God was zeroing things out, starting over, but not to worry because it was a good thing? I thought we were just getting started and now God was saying He was going to start over! How could this possibly be good?
Lessons Learned Between 40 and 49
Yesterday was my birthday. I didn't view myself turning 49 as much as I saw it as closing out my 4th decade and it has my head spinning a bit. In a sudden realization that I probably have fewer days ahead of me than I do behind. The thought…
Bound In My Christian Chains
The room was dark, and I snuck into the back. The group of communicators were already on stage taking questions from the crowd. The conversation ball was being tossed from the audience to the panelists and back to the audience again..
Don't Trust Your Feelings
Caught somewhere between I'm a freaking hot mess and my messiness is beautiful is about where I've been living for a season. As I shared a few weeks ago, I have been on a bit of a journey. A season of rest turned radical healing, and over time an unlearning of things I thought were truths but were not.
What Happened to Beth in 2018?
Warning... this blog is not a soundbite -- it's long. So if you want a quick feel-good moment this probably isn't it. But if you make it all the way to the end, you might just discover parts of my story are parts of the story God is wanting to write to you, too.