Do I Share or Not?

Have you ever had that "Ah-ha!" moment followed by a desire to share it, then only to end up talking yourself right out of it? I can recall many battles of do I share or not. My thoughts to share would collide with banters of what ifs and…

It's Never Going to Change...

It's never going to change... I can't do this... I've been down this road before, I know how it ends... It's too hard to keep doing this... These were a few of the repeating phrases from several of my friends this past week. A blanket statement…

In Season and Out of Season

The drive up north last weekend was so pleasing to the eye! All my favorite colors were presenting themselves along the mountain side. Yet there was this one tree that captivated my attention! I'd be driving along the winding road, when from…

The Pull...

WOW! The pull is powerful! I never realized just how huge the magnetic pull of life is until I was alone with NOTHING but God! After a weekend at the cabin, my quiet time this morning was sprinkled with the following station identification…

Making Time To Be Alone...

Throughout the Gospels it says that Jesus went off to be alone... To be alone is not natural to me. I enjoy being with family, friends, and just doing stuff! Quite frankly, I've never even lived on my own! I moved away from home at 18 and moved…

The Older Shall Teach The Younger To... (Fold A Fitted Sheet!)

Have you ever tried to fold a fitted sheet? Seriously, they should come with instructions! They never look like they did in the package! For most, they end up in a ball tossed in the linen closet. Yet my mother, on the other hand, can fold one…

Whose Image Am I

Let us make man in our image to be like us. (Gen. 1:26) was swirling around in my head the other morning. I had to stop and ask - what exactly is your image, Lord? If I look around just at the people in the Christian community there are several…

Beauty in Her Disability

I was Cleaning out the old Blog over on Blogspot, and I had to repost this... I am not the only mother who has a child with disabilities, but there have been days when I feel like no one would understand. There have been nights when I worry…

Are We Just Being Polite?

A true friend tells you that you have spinach in your teeth... We all know there is nothing worse than coming home after a visit realizing that our tag is out or zipper down, and no one said a word! Did they not know, or were they just being…

Looking fear in the face...

Sometimes when you take a long hard look at yourself you discover your reasons for being afraid just aren't good enough! Then you go and do something ridiculous like a video blog! I've been wanting to do a video blog for about 5 months. However,…