The drive up north last weekend was so pleasing to the eye! All my favorite colors were presenting themselves along the mountain side. Yet there was this one tree that captivated my attention!

I’d be driving along the winding road, when from quite a distance I would catch a glimpse of this bold yellow. As I’d get closer there would be a lone tree standing tall and screaming yellow! It’s backdrop would be many other trees, but at that moment, I took no notice!

The tree was towering and tapered, light wood, and with a glorious yellow. There was nothing as spectacular as that tree along the side of the road.

Even the trees that had contrasting reds, golds, and browns didn’t compare to the beauty of this tree.

I was enamored by the height and overall poise of the tree. If a tree could be confident, that tree was.

I began thinking that during spring and summer there’s nothing very special about that tree. I’m sure I’ve seen it before, and no doubt just passed over it for the more alluring trees like the gigantic Oak and the magnificent Redwood.

In the summer’s heat, that tree wouldn’t provide near the shade that an Oak or Pine would. In the winter, this narrow tree turns to bare branches, and I would care less what type of tree it was. Out of season, it’s just there among the prominent trees not being much more than a tree.

Nevertheless, in autumn, it’s prime season, all eyes are upon this tree. The great Oak, or the magnificent Redwood are now passed over, for all attention is drawn to the bell of the ball. In it’s season, people stand in amazement and marvel at it’s beauty.

In life, we are often like that Aspen tree. Out of season, and on our own, we look like everyone else. There isn’t anything uniquely interesting about us. We go about our lives doing what we do every day, not feeling like we make much of a difference, and possibly wondering how we can, or if there even is a purpose.

Yet, in season, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we attract others just as that Aspen tree did. We draw them in. The beauty of the the Holy Spirit shines through us, and makes us attractive to others so that we can move in His power and grace.

The Bible says that to everything there is a season, and to be ready in and out of season. Why? For that moment when the presence of God shifts upon you, and the words all come out eloquently, when the notes are played or sung perfectly, and when the plans all fall into place. So that in that moment, people stand in amazement and wonder why they’ve never known anything like that before – and Jesus in His infinite Glory is seen, like it was the first time, through you

Now Your Turn: Do you ever feel like you are just like all the other trees out there? Have you ever wondered if God has a beautiful plan for you? What will you do today to remain ready in and out of season? Let’s Chat…


4 replies
  1. Jasmine
    Jasmine says:

    Great analogy Beth! Yes I do feel like the unnoticed Aspen and long for my season. What I need to do is patiently wait for the Lord to bring the season instead of trying to hurry it along by myself.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Yes, I can identify and understand that! I try and remind myself that the Aspen is still fulfilling a purpose, growing, and meeting needs even though it goes unnoticed. Same with us. We keep on keepin’ on doing the stuff, being rooted and grounded, and available so when our season does arrive… they never see our glory, but His! Thanks for posting my friend!

  2. christina pann
    christina pann says:

    I second that..such a great analogy! I love how God places revelation all throughout his creation! I often feel like i’m just sucking air and not doing a whole lot for the kingdom, and i have to battle battling myself…if that makes any sense at all. I have to fight from pushing myself into a season of “doing” when God has ordained for me a season of rest. I know when i’m pushing because im “doing” from a place of obligation and expectation, not God vision or burdens. In those times of feeling “not called or anointed,” i remind myself of how much pleasure God finds in my worship and time spent with Him. THAT i can always do, even when i’m not out saving the world.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Thanks for sharing Christina. It absolutely makes sense! Fighting the urge to push ourselves into something that isn’t in the Lord’s timing is one of the greatest lessons of faith we learn. I love how you remind yourself of what pleases the Lord. I know when I do that it always helps me keep things in a godly perspective. Thanks for posting!

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