Every year a season comes in my life where I have a lull. My schedule thins out and things quiet down. During that time, however, I have a tendency to commit to needs and events that come my way simply because I don’t have a good excuse to say no!

Not a good idea…

Unfortunately, I’ve had to learned the painful way that those were my seasons to rest, before I got busy doing what God really had planned for me. When I wouldn’t say NO in the beginning, I’d end up over committed in the end. Being over committed sucked the joy out of my God opportunities.

My Solution…

Say NO so I can say YES later! I purposely would keep my mouth shut! Just because I can do something doesn’t mean I need to volunteer to do it. Just because there is a need doesn’t mean I have to fill it! What a concept! Who thinks up this stuff?

Timing is everything. You may have read my Christmas Confessions on taking the holidays easy. Darn good thing I did, because you may also have read how I’ve got a few too many plates spinning in the air, and I’m really feelin’ it right now.

Because I said NO earlier, and I was able to rest up, I’ve been able to say YES! Yes, to all the doors God’s been opening for me – and I’m really enjoying what I’m doing!

I’m definitely exhausted, and my life is full, but it’s really a good full!

Be at rest once more O’ my soul for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116:7

Now Your Turn: Have you been through a season when God was calling you to rest and you hadn’t only to wish you had? What’s some of the things that draw you into saying yes when you know you should have said no? Does guilt and obligation drive your yes, or does the prompting of the Holy Spirit? Come on… Let’s chat! 



2 replies
  1. Bobbi
    Bobbi says:

    I have recently started reading a book called Boundaries
    when to say yes
    when to say no
    To take control of your life
    It is written by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. My niece gave it to me after a phone conversation we had about not being able to say no and feeling guilty about it. Thinking Gods will was to always say yes. This book gives many Bible ref where it is ok to say no and why it is ok to say no. I just got started on the book but so far is a great read and I have already started to set those boundries.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Bobbi,
      I’ve never read that book, but I’ve heard about it. Thanks for posting it’s a good suggestion.


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