Born Set Apart

before you were born I set you apart… Jer. 1:5

The hot pink chairs begin to fill up around 5:45 a.m. as the six o’clock class waits in the lobby for the 5:00 a.m. crew to finish their workouts. The talk is surface level. We ask about the challenge, exchange meal ideas, and pain relief tips. Then we go sweat together, become one another’s cheerleaders, and when it’s all over we go our separate ways.

Nothing gets too personal; we don’t chat for very long. So when one came up to me and said what she said, I have to admit I was surprised.

There I stood dripping with sweat fighting to get my jacket on when she approached me like a sleuth who had just cracked a case. “I knew there was something different about you when I met you.” uncertain where this was going I gave that awkward chuckle. “Now I know who you really are” I might have swallowed hard in that moment, “and I think what you do is amazing. I enjoy reading your blogs, and if I weren’t busy, I would come hear you speak.”

Not sure how to respond, I grinned, said thank you and exchanged some small talk. Then we went our separate ways.

Born set apart

I knew there was something different about you... Huh. How easy is it to believe there is nothing different, special, or unique about us. How quickly we consume the lies that nothing sets us apart from anyone else.

I thought I just blended in with the 40 other sweaty people at 6 a.m., but scripture is clear we’ve been set apart.

It isn’t what we do that makes us different; it’s who we are and whose we are that sets us apart. We are children of God, royalty, heirs to the Kingdom, filled with the Spirit and power of God. We’re given all authority on this earth — so you better believe we don’t blend in! We’re walking powerhouses with influence and instant credibility just because of who our Dad is!

Created to be different

Friend, don’t believe the lie that there is nothing different about you. Nothing God could find useful, relevant, or worthy to impact the world. He loves all the qualities He’s given you, and loves how He flows through you. Don’t hold back. Don’t shy away, and for the love of all things holy and pure don’t try to blend in. It’s useless you were born set apart!

Remember your rebirth marked you for a purpose to make known our brother the King of kings, and to bring glory to our Father in heaven. Don’t attempt to blend in you were created to be different.

Your friend in faith,

PS… Just an afterthought. The easiest way to find just how unique you truly are is to hang out with the creator, your Father. He can’t wait to share with you about all the irreplicable qualities you have!

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