Every blog I read, speaker I watch, or ministry I research I have one constant nagging voice in my head…

They’re so much better and you’re just not good enough. 

Its a nagging, painful, and uninvited voice which seems to have it’s own access card to my mind!

In the book A Confident Heart, by Renee Swope she writes “I was comparing my inside to their outside – trying to polish up my inside in hopes to be like their outside.” 

Every time I begin to compare it approves the access code of that painful unwanted voice!


There is something common and un-common inside of each of us. What’s common is our worry, fear, insecurities, doubt, weaknesses, and sin – everyone wrestles with that. What’s un-common is how we choose to view the common. Are they roadblocks or stepping stone? Renee used common everyday emotions as a stepping stone to reach the people God designated in advance for her to reach.

According to the world clock there are over 7 BILLION people in the world! God has assigned a sphere of influence to each one of us. He starts small, giving us just a little influence at a time. Every time we use those common emotions as stepping stones and not roadblocks God expands our sphere of influence. Every time we say ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’ He opens new doors and releases new creativity highlighting the uncommon in each of us.


A doubt trigger for me is when I see someone doing exactly what I wanted to do, and they’re usually doing it with a broader and better reach. Immediately common defeat rises up and rationalize why I shouldn’t even begin my un-common dream.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 reads

History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.

When doubt triggers, God reminds me that it may have already been done, but it’s not being done in the sphere of influence I’ve called you to be responsible for, or in the way ONLY YOU can do.

The negative, doubtful feelings inside of us are common to everyone, but individually we are not common at all. We have been uniquely designed by a creator who is crazy about His workmanship! He’s designed our experiences, the way we speak, the choices we’ve made, and the things we love to do in such a way that it will impact others like no one else could impact them.

When we make what is un-common to be common and what is common to be un-common then we miss the opportunities to do something that no one else was designed to do.

God has made us what we are. He has created us n Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that He has prepared for us to do. Ephesians 2:10


We may have an idea which has already been done. Our influence may be small compared to some. We may not think we can speak, write, encourage, pray, or even help others as good as another – but if God has placed an idea into our hearts, then He’s completely comfortable with what the end result will look like!

Don’t you think it’s time we begin telling ourselves we’re enough – flaws and all? God’s been saying it all along!

No one holds our unique thumbprint but us! So, whatever we put our hands to will be uniquely different than what has been done before.

NOW YOUR TURN: What are some of the un-common dreams you’ve talked yourself out of because you’ve made your common emotions a roadblock instead of a stepping stone?