Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14


Every time I blog, I count the words I write. Keeping it short and to the point keeps people’s interest. I attempt to stay consistent in my blogging and make my blogging engaging.

However, recently, the Lord has reminded me of a prayer I prayed years ago…

Lord, I would rather speak one time with the power of God to impact thousands… than to speak thousands of times and impact no one.

Before the summer began, I felt the Lord drawing me into deeper waters. I can sense the stirring of something new. Fresh revelation is on the horizon, something I have been praying about for most of this year. God is reminding me of places I studied years ago, and I can feel areas in my life the Lord wants to refine and strengthen.

So, where does that leave my writing and speaking? Wherever God wants it to go…

The last thing I’ve ever wanted was to talk or write just for the sake of both. If I am going to say or write something, I want my words to count, not just count my words!

Even though my posts are a bit more sparse, I still value you as a reader. I value you so much, that my heart is to write more when the Holy Spirit moves than for the sake of keeping a deadline.

I pray that where God is leading me will be a blessings and source of encouragement for you too!

Until we meet again…



7 replies
  1. Dawn Whitmore
    Dawn Whitmore says:

    Oh my Beth! Did I ever need to hear this today? I have been so stressed out since I heard someone tell me the standard non-fiction book needs to be 25,000-50,000 words. Your post has given me such relief today. I am going to keep writing what God asked me to write and let the chips…I mean word count…fall where it may.

    Thank you so much for this post today.

    In Christ,

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Dawn,

      I just want to encourage you to rest in the Lord. Listen to what He is speaking. You can strive all day long to get YOUR words on those pages, but in the end that’s all you’ll have YOUR words – no life! Make sure what you are bringing is God breathed, and they will recognize it as such and want more! Remember your destiny is in His hands, He knows the time, the season, and they hour or your arrival! 🙂 Blessings, and thanks for the comment!

  2. Dana
    Dana says:

    Beth, I agree. I am finding my comfortable space in blogging. I found myself watching the word count increase and decrease as I added and removed words. I too have decided to write. What’s funny is my word count is averaging within the same range…without the stress. 🙂

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Dana,

      That’s awesome! I am so excited you are finding what works for your blog! When God is on it, there is nothing better! Blessings, and thanks for the comment!

  3. Denise J. Hughes
    Denise J. Hughes says:

    Beth, I feel the exact same way. So many “pro” bloggers insist that bloggers post 3-5 times a week. But whenever I do that, I feel like I’m sacrificing quality for quantity. And that’s not why I started blogging in the first place. So, I have to remember, I would rather post twice a week, or less, and really believe in what I’m saying than just throw some words out there because somebody I’ve never met thinks that all bloggers “should.” Like you, I want my words to count.

    And I love Psalm 19:14!

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Denise,

      I follow much of the wisdom from “pro” bloggers, because I think their knowledge is so helpful. However, blogging 3-5 times a week, I think you have to know your market, and what God is calling you to do in order to flow with what He desires. When I would blog twice a week, I truly felt like that was what God was asking of me. I may return, or I may not. I think the most important thing is to do it as unto Him, and no more no less. 🙂

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