I thought for sure that when I heard I was getting ready to dive into a deeper season with the Lord that the two of us would take the plunge together, swim to the bottom, and I would get to soak up new and fresh revelation. Thus far all its felt like I’ve been doing is bobbing for apples, down for a little and then quickly back up again – never feeling fully submerged.

As I lay in my bed last night, I was trying to imagine me diving into the deep. Since scuba diving isn’t something I’ve ever done before, I began to do a little research on it. What I discovered brought incredible clarity to this season with the Lord.

I learned that the shallowest waters have the greatest pressure changes, and the first 40 feet are the most difficult for a diver to equalize pressure and compensate their buoyancy. I found this so interesting, because in this season the pressure changes have been so intense. One day I’m confidant, and the next not so much – it’s a time of being on and off again. What I interpreted as bobbing for apples was literally my spirit adjusting to the pressure changes in the descent to go deeper with Him.

That being said, I still couldn’t understand why things ceased up. In my blog In the Desert I shared that everything was going so well when it just stopped. It seemed to contradict the whole process of God taking me deeper. Until I came to understand that as a diver, in order to avoid pressure related injuries, they must equalize the pressure around them in the drop. God began to reveal that I was equalizing to the new level of authority and revelation He was using me at through my blog, workshops, and Bible study. Incredibly, I no longer felt like I’d done something wrong. I now understood He’s been protecting me – helping me to avoid pressure related injuries.

Nevertheless, does it have to take so long? In a word, Yes! I saw that now He’s taking me past the beginner’s depth of 40 feet. In my research, I discovered that as a diver descends they actually have to add air in order to compensate for their negative buoyancy. The deeper they go, the pressure of the surface’s air and water compresses on any air pockets, and if not careful a diver can find themselves in an uncontrolled descent. The Lord showed me that the deeper He and I go, there is a higher risk of negative buoyancy, and it’s imperative that I allow time for the Holy Spirit to fill me, and prevent me from going into an uncontrolled descent.

It is interesting how I had perceived everything as a negative. When in all reality they were really God’s protection.

I now can see that:

  • The beginning of a new season with God brings the greatest spiritual pressure changes.
  • He was protecting my family, the ministry, and me from pressure related injuries by equalizing the pressure around me. 
  • The deeper I go there is a greater negative buoyancy (pride and self-confidence) and only the Holy Spirit can counter balance that by filling me up and keeping me from going into an uncontrolled descent.

Having this type of clarity has brought joy and peace to this very different time in the Lord, and a new excitement is beginning to build! 

Deep Calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me. Psalms 42:7

How about you? Have you ever perceived God’s hand of protection as a negative? Are you needing clarity for the season you are in? I encourage you to continue to seek His face until He reveals Himself to you. 


9 replies
  1. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    Thank you Beth, I don’t think I have ever looked at things with this perspective before. You always bring so much clarity to me and I am sure others.

  2. Jesse Callahan
    Jesse Callahan says:

    Beth, you are amazing. I love this. I love the ocean and so hearing this blog helped me come to my senses. 🙂

  3. Nancy King
    Nancy King says:

    Love the deep sea diving analogy! I went to the Monterey Aquarium a couple months ago. My favorite part was the deep sea creatures. It literally felt “other worldly” to me. I couldn’t help but think about how much there is that I have yet to see and experience, both in this world and the one to come. To God there is no end. I also thought about the fact that the deep sea is also the darkest and most hidden from the world. It takes courage to go that deep. Few go there, and there is a reason for that. But those who will take the dive will be in for the surprise of their life when the Lord shines His light and the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places are revealed. The treasures, riches and secrets received in the hidden place far outway the cost…
    I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel. (Is.45:3)
    He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, And light dwells with Him.
    (Dan 2:22)
    I’ll see you in the deep Beth…

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Thanks Nancy, there is something mesmerizing about watching the ocean whether from the beach or from the thick-glass of an aquarium. Thank you for your post! 🙂

  4. Tina
    Tina says:

    Wow….this is soooo deep. I am not even close to those depths. To use the analogy of the sea, I am still snorkling. Right now I have just had the second meeting of my first small group/bible study. It is my first time to serve God in this capacity. I know i will begin a growth through this that will only continue as long as I am willing.

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  1. […] the Lord was desiring to draw me into a place I’ve never been before. I spoke about it in Learning to Dive Deeper. Try as I might, I haven’t been able to find my way there. My home is full of distractions; […]

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