SINGLE WITH CHILDREN. These are the beautiful women God has brought into my life. I’ve never been a single mom, so in the beginning I was scratching my head at God’s logic. Yet, one day I was reminded of my years as a military wife. How quickly I recalled that being a single mom comes through many different circumstances!

During my years as a military wife I was desperate for two things: companionship and a break! These are the same things my civilian single moms are desperate for, too! They need friendships, and they need time away from their children so they feel like they’re their own person!

When we were military, I developed a Spouse Support Group at our last base. It was framed from the Navy’s Key Spouse Program. We were a well-oiled machine! The program was connected to every organization available to military families. We had it all covered from meals to mowing and births to deaths. We were a tightly woven web to catch those in need.

Unfortunately, the civilian world doesn’t have something quite as organized as that. However, the Body of Christ is very similar to the military. We all have something in common, and we’re all headed in basically the same direction. Sadly, the body is so spread out, and often caught in it’s own agenda, that our webs become weak, and those in need slip through. I know at times I become a chief offender of this!

Yet, I want to make a difference in the lives of the women God brings into my life, but the reality of life is I’m just one person!

The Spouse Support Group would have never worked if I was the only spouse. The success of that spouse group came by raising up leaders who were in charge of their own spouses. Those leaders reached out to their own group of spouses. They made calls, emailed encouraging words, brought meals, and did life together. Doesn’t that sound like a small group ministry in the Body of Christ? Exactly! That’s how the Body creates it’s own web, and catches those in need.

In the same way that is what’s happening at Remade. These amazing single mom’s are discovering in the midst of their own needs, they are becoming the answer to the need of another. 

The girls at Remade are meeting women, reaching out to those who are lonely, and pouring out what God has poured into them! It’s awesome watching them create their own web!

My pastor says, change in the body of Christ doesn’t happen in rows, it happens in circles! If you need a friend, join a women’s group study through your local church, a community based study like Bible Study Fellowship International, or one through Remade. You might find you’re the answer to someone else’s cry, and they are the answer to yours!

QUESTION: Are you a single mom? Or maybe you just need to have some godly women in your life. We want to help you connect with others! The women at Remade are beginning their own women’s study in March! We want to create a circle of friends for all those who need good friendships!

For more information or to sign up for a Remade women’s Bible study in March Contact us via email.

4 replies
  1. Carolynn
    Carolynn says:

    I love this blog… The one thing single moms need to know is they are NOT alone! So let’s get the circle going! 😉

  2. Angel Collins
    Angel Collins says:

    I have always admired single moms and some of those are my friends. They are courageous and though I know they hurt inside, they don’t let it go over their happiness with their children thus letting them glow in their own special way. Good job! 🙂

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Angel,

      Thank you for stopping by. You are correct single mom’s are some of the most courageous people I’ve ever met – well said!

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