Making a path where one did not exist,
carving out a tributary for others to flow.
The view ahead I cannot see, 
It does not look as though a path should be.
But He leads me that way…
Branches, logs, precipice, and thickets
Are all these eyes can see.
But He leads me that way…
Mountains to ascend, valleys to wander, 
Oceans to sail with no visable horizons.
But He leads me that way… 
Dark alleys to conquer, busy cities to navigate, 
And country roads to fly down. 
But He leads me that way… 
Through the eyes of man my path seems to have
No rhyme! No reason! No direction! 
But He leads me that way…
The hairpin turns, the short sprints, the sudden falls, and momentary victories,
Cry out! Close call, epic fail, and stellar success. 
But He leads me that way…
And on the day this Forerunner finishes her race, 
I will turn to look back and see… 
Streams flowing without restraint,
Effortless travel over mountains, 
Guided sails across vast oceans,
And scenic trips through valleys wide.
And what first appeared to have no rhyme, no reason, no direction to man,
Will look as though it was always there. 
Because I am a Forerunner, 
And He leads me His way.