“When we listen, we allow what we are hearing to gain our attention and focus, which in turn influences our beliefs and values. These beliefs and values set a standard for our own ear that ultimately determines the voices that we pick up in our environment. This standard is also what draws us to certain people more than others.” Bill Johnson, Strengthen Yourself in the Lord

I am a highly sensitive person, and with that comes m­­­­any blessings. Add to that a history of depression, anxiety and Panic Disorder, and…well…let’s say that each blessing is tempered with a challenge to overcome.

You know what, though? I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As many times as I read ‘do not worry’ in the Bible, I could never fully embrace the concept.

What do you mean, ‘do not worry’? That’s so…alien. Impossible. Plain old…un-American!

It wasn’t until I finally read about how to overcome worry that I could finally begin moving forward. The key, for me, was in Philippians.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

Today I want to share with you some relatively simple realizations I had to embrace in order to alleviate anxiety and overcome panic.   Some of them may seem simply extreme…but I ask you…what about our walk with God does not feel extreme, right?

  1. Stop watching the news. I didn’t realize how strong of a hold the television had on my life until I found myself begging my husband for a security system and a safe room in the basement. A SAFE ROOM. Seriously? Seriously. Now, I know that we do not live in a friendly world…but honestly? I lived in fear because that’s exactly where the news wanted me to live. Fear = attention = money. I still enjoy television, but I enjoy it in doses – and hardly ever watch the news. I get important news stories sent to my phone so I’m not completely in the dark on current events, and ignore everything else. Guess what? I don’t feel the need for a bomb shelter anymore, and we save tons of money on the cable that we do not have! Instead of watching the news in the morning, we read our Bible. It’s the perfect substitution!
  2. Tune into K-LOVE. One day recently, I stumbled across a ton of music I had listened to when I was younger. I was super excited and started listening to some of my old favorites. As the music played and I began to really listen to the words, I thought to myself…”Wow…no wonder I was depressed!” I couldn’t help but wonder if the music I listened to fueled my depression or if my depression influenced my music choice. I’m willing to bet it was both! I’m pretty positive that any darkness I was in was only hampered by what I was listening to. These days I prefer Christian music – and I find God loves to throw a song I really needed to hear my way on a regular basis!
  3. Guard your heart. “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 I have friends from all faiths, and friends with no faith at all to speak of. I love them each dearly, but I know when I need to take a step back or retreat in order to uphold the standard the Lord calls us to. For example – if I am invited to a party, I will try to go early and only for an hour or two. Why? Because I love my friends and I want to be with them – but if I stay longer my guard will go down, and I will be more likely to do things excessively. Drink in excess, speak in excess, eat in excess…a ton of things I know I’d feel bad about later. I’m just not that strong! And you know what? My real friends understand. Yours will too.
  4. Distance yourself from negativity. The more I am around a negative person, the more negative I become. It really is that simple. I’ve even had days where I’ve told friends that I am going to step away because I was in a bad mood, and didn’t want to influence theirs! If you’re not feeling at the top of your game, give yourself permission to sidestep a negative situation. The distance may even temper the darkness! “For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.” Proverbs 26:20

I can safely say that these four things, coupled with a healthy dose of prayer, were a huge factor in de-stressing my life.   Don’t think you’re ready to sacrifice Lady Gaga or Real Housewives? How about taking a 30-day challenge? Go 30 days without listening to secular music, or watching the news…

…then come back and let me know what happened!

{NOW YOUR TURN} What do you do to guard yourself from the craziness of this world? I’m always looking for new ways to purify and de-stress! Let’s continue the conversation in the comments below.