Today I am heading over to hang with Lisa-Jo Baker for a five minute break to participate in her Five-Minute Friday and allow my mind to ponder on a word and give myself permission to just write without rules!  No butterflies where harmed in the writing of this blog. 


Wrestling. Fighting. Pushing. Pausing. Breathing. Contemplating. And then it begins again. Fighting. Thrashing. Shoving. Halting. Panting. Only to try again…

The butterfly inside the glass jar frantically fluttering trying to find enough thrust to take her past those glass walls which allow her to see but never feel the release. They allow her to imagine but not quite experience the freedom to lift past that solid ceiling which caps off her ability to fly as high as she can dream.

Clicking of the wings, thrashing of her body, the sound is thundering to her, but barely noticeable to the world outside. Breathlessly resting. Frantically searching. Is there an escape? Stifling doubt and fading memories of past moments of stretched wings doing exactly what they were designed to do.

Does she wonder how she ended up in another cocoon of captivity? Wasn’t one transformation, one rebirth, one fight for freedom enough?

Longer lengths of resting span the shorter futile fights for freedom. Hope apparently fading…

Her atmosphere begins to shake. Yet, she is not moving. The noise is deafening, but her body is frozen. Then, without any effort of her own, that solid ceiling breaks open, and she is RELEASED!

Her suffocating time begins to quickly melt away as the crisp air, the warm sun, and the limitless sky build her confidence as she continues to lift, higher, higher, higher! Boundless. Immeasurable. Unsearchable. Infinite. Freedom!

Somedays I’m the butterfly longing for my release…


9 replies
  1. Tamara
    Tamara says:

    That was absolutely beautiful. Great work my FMF sister. I could see the butterfly trying to get out and I am so happy she was released.

  2. Kendra Burrows
    Kendra Burrows says:

    This is so beautiful! And like the butterfly, sometimes we know we want out, but have no idea truly what lies beyond. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words today.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Amen Kendra! I feel torn some days when I want to be set free and then at the same time I am terrified at what I may fly into!

  3. Brandi
    Brandi says:

    Wow Beth!! This is so descriptive, the feelings captured penetrate deep to my soul. It is a beautiful image to watch the butterfly reach higher and higher as her confidence builds! Thank you for this post!! I am encouraged to seek the release, push through the glass walls and then to soar!

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