{It’s with such joy that I introduce, Staci Payne, the social media coordinator for Remade Ministries, and a very dear friend of mine. Today is Staci’s debut as a blogger and writer on the ol’ interweb, and she’s come out fierce and fearless! To speak with Staci you can hear compassion and tenderness come through her every word and tone. She’s jealous for God and passionate about His people. Please join me in welcoming this brave and bold sister! Share her post and leave a lot of comments!}



Why did I say yes to this? Nobody wants to look at me. I am such a joke. Back out now. They won’t see Jesus in you; your flaws are too loud. They are all going to laugh at you.

Being asked to speak onstage during the Living Remade Workshop: Faith Over Fear was my very own horror story. I kept thinking that all everyone would see was the ugly, the cracks, and the unlovely. Why was I asked to do this? I told myself that I lost all my talent years ago in the heavy folds of flesh that robbed me of all self worth. The enemy fed me lie after lie and my fear grew fatter by the day leading up to March 22nd.

You see, over the past four years I’ve gained almost 100 pounds. Yes I said that number out loud. Ok, you are still reading. I’m still breathing. That’s out of the way.

With the tremendous weight gain from a newly diagnosed autoimmune thyroid disease coupled with having my first child, the shame and heartbreak seemed to weigh the heaviest of all.

The struggle was real and I’ve spent the last four years in hiding. I would step out of pictures, avoid gatherings with friends, pray before going out in public that I wouldn’t run into anyone, decline invitations, and have cried overflowing bottles of painful tears in this self-inflicted isolation.

My body became my prison, and I stopped daring to live out the big dreams I once held close. I was shackled in fear…the fear of being seen. It was so easy to speak God’s promises and truth over others, but to believe I was fearfully and wonderfully made was a hard pill of truth to swallow. I felt ruined. I didn’t feel loved and I didn’t feel chosen. Could people really SEE my heart past the veil of failure that draped my frame? Would I ever feel free again?

Rewind back a decade ago when I performed on stages with the ease of breath. I loved singing, acting, hosting, teaching-basically being in the spotlight and living life out loud did not intimidate me one bit; it totally energized me. This person that now looked back in at me in the mirror appeared to be a lifeless stranger paralyzed by fear.

Fast forward to that sunny morning in March seated in the sanctuary about to head up on stage. My notes shook violently in my hands. I felt like I was going to throw up. Something HAD to change!

God brought me to this moment for a purpose and I had to step out of the boat and get wet. I had to obey and believe what He said about me to be nothing but absolute truth. I was not an exception to the truth, and victory was for me, too!

He calls us not to be perfect vessels, but obedient ones, and this was my moment of truth. I sat there in the dimly lit space surrounded by over 600 women and prayed and worshipped my heart out. I decided in that moment to empty myself out at the altar and breathe in His perfect love and grace. Before I stepped up those stairs onto the platform I spoke a very simple prayer: “You must increase, I must decrease. Let this time be all for your glory. Help me, Jesus, to live for you and let go of fear.”

And I did it!

I shined. I let go. I served the Body of Christ and not my fear. I unlocked the shackles and danced in freedom. I ripped out the world’s labels and dressed myself in His truth. I truly am fearfully and wonderfully made through and through!

I was thrown into a new direction by this wild encouragement. I was stunned! In that moment He stood before me like a giant mirror and I saw myself not as a failure any longer, but a Daughter of the King, a precious beauty that He and others adored- flaws and all. That day all those women did not see my mirage of inadequacies like I did, but saw Jesus Himself wrapped around me like a bow presenting His child to the world to fulfill His good works that He began in me long ago.

Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Since that day I have been stepping out of hiding and doing it afraid. He makes me brave! I take pictures with bright smiles; I walk with my head held high, and I now operate from a place of victory – no longer the victim. His healing truth and hope has been my greatest weapon to demolish any fear and lie. The amazing Lord of my life, that loves every inch of me, captivates my heart and thoughts. He has even opened the door to greater healing through wisdom; I have lost close to twenty pounds since that day all because I did it afraid and trusted Him in faith that He would make a way. He has released me and I don’t intend on ever holding back or hiding again!

Shine on loved ones,



{NOW YOUR TURN} What is keeping you hidden? Are you like me afraid to be seen? Let’s continue the conversation in the comments below.

12 replies
  1. Brandi
    Brandi says:

    What a powerful testimony! You have poured water into a deep and dry well within my soul. “In that moment He stood before me like a giant mirror and I saw myself not as a failure any longer, but a Daughter of the King, a precious beauty that He and others adored- flaws and all.” ~ I Love this! I think I’ll write that down on a note card and chew on it for a while. Thank you for being vulnerable, your vulnerability has shared life!

  2. Kate
    Kate says:

    You are definitely one of the most beautiful people I know – even moreso now that you put yourself out there! Your message is one that resounds with all women…there is some serious beauty in brokenness when the Lord is the one putting the pieces back together!

    Ever heard of this? Kintsukuroi (n.) – meaning “to repair with gold”; the art of repairing pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken.

    Exactly, right? <3

  3. Jami
    Jami says:

    Oh Staci! Thank you for stepping out and sharing this! Your testimony is so powerful! So many women (including myself)face these issues and satan can be so convincing. Love you dearly!

  4. Bree
    Bree says:

    Staci, I am sooo unbelievably proud of you! This message gave me goosebumps. What a beautiful and heartfelt testimony to share right out of the gate. Your vunerability is so empowering and such an incredible reminder that we are but imperfect vessels that God wants to shine through. I am so happy that you’ve found your way, walking in Him! Blessings, my friend!

  5. Rachel
    Rachel says:

    Staci…. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face. Those tears come for two reasons: First and foremost I am so incredibly, unbelievably, overwhelmingly proud of you! Second, your story is one every single woman can relate too. We all have insecurities and it is INSPIRING to see how you have faced yours. LOVE YOU GIRL!

  6. Hilary
    Hilary says:

    You go Staci! You’re inspiring so many to live in the light! Even when it’s painful and vulnerable and scary. <3

  7. Gina Petrotta
    Gina Petrotta says:

    All morning God kept prompting me to read this, and I kept busy till now. WOW Staci you can never, never know how much of this in so many ways spoke to my heart. I don’t know how to begin, but the words you used,”. I was not an exception to the truth, and victory was for me, too!” are the very words resounding in my heart for the last few months. I know God has a specific plan for me, but with making the choice to leave a marriage that is unhealthy, I kept thinking how could God use me now? and in the past I battled the weight issue, but with God’s grace lost a ton of it, felt great and in this less than 3 year marriage, gained it all plus more and every day I say to myself I cannot let people see me so I stay home and when I go to church just never look anyone in the eye.

    but you are So right, these feelings are NOT from God but just a powerful lie from the devil to keep me in fear and defeated. but just as you said,”He calls us not to be perfect vessels, but obedient ones”

    I feel so encouraged and am filled with hope renewed…thank you for sharing

  8. Nina Bacom
    Nina Bacom says:

    Dear Staci, I love you more today, if that is possible… I remember the 1st evening I met you, heard your voice and realized immediately the amazing, tender, loving, kind, talented and God adoring woman you truly are. You have a heart to share God’s realness and am a Mommy who adores your darling Son and Husband. I told you that evening as I hugged you goodbye, “I love you and your voice!”…I remember going home to you having friendied me and I checked out your pictures and watched your wedding video…thinking this is one of the most amazing woman I have ever met! I just Love Her!!! Fast forward to Remade, Faith Over Fear, March 23rd! You captivated the audience, God’s love was all over you and each one of us there knew you had been placed there for each of us…back to today….
    As I read the first sentence of this blog this morning I wept… You had me…so many of us at the 1st sentence. We don’t realize our worth and beauty. God doesn’t name us negatively, or of no-value, but yet we think we are. Your heart is so beautiful my friend! You have changed lives today. How we see ourselves, how God sees us…and that joy God has wonderfully placed in you is infectious..,You Are Truly Beautiful, Breathtakingly Beautiful! You Are Loved! Thank You!

  9. Tara
    Tara says:

    Hi Staci,

    Wow you are so beautiful! Your words shoot right through my own body image issues. Thank you for being so transparent, that is true bravery. You are an amazing woman, and your shining light of Jesus draws people to you. Keep blogging girl it’s a gift!

  10. Lindsi Gross
    Lindsi Gross says:

    Wow! This was the most encouraging and powerful message I’ve read in a long while! Thank you for sharing! You truly are beautiful, and I love hanging out with you! Keep writing!!!! What you shared has also been a struggle of mine, overcome and back again full circle…with each pregnancy, because no matter how healthy try to be, my weight just seems to get out of control, and leaves me not even wanting to take pictures. This post is like a breath of fresh air

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