ascendingThe captain’s voice spreads across the cabin, “Ladies and gentleman, we’ve been cleared for take off.” It’s my most favorite part of a plane ride! The anticipation of the trip, the journey ahead, the excitement of where we will land… it’s all building up inside of me, and the force of the jet speeding down the runway only emphasizes the push to get there! We lift off, and I experience that sudden sense of weightlessness – so awesome!

In complete contrast to that moment of excitement, is an unexpected jolt of trepidation quickly consuming me as the plane begins to shake violently on it’s ascent. I look out the window only to see thick fog and cloud coverage passing by my window. Unable to look ahead and see where we are going, powerless to direct the plane out of the clouds and keep it from shaking, I grip the arms of my chair, as I cannot stop the out-of-control sensation which has just washed over me. The only authority I have is to keep myself seated and tighten my belt – it’s an uninvited tension that wasn’t on my itinerary!

That plane ride is the perfect description of this past few years, and if you read my last blog Lord Where Else Would I Go you understand the road’s been a difficult one. The years started with excitement for the journey, only to ended up in a death-grip of turbulence and no vision.

While ascending through the clouds, strapped to that seat, I eventually recognize signs that we are nearing clearer sky. The shaking isn’t as violent, the dense cloud coverage is thinning, and blue sky and sunlight intermittently breakthrough!

In this season, I am elated to know that’s where I’m headed next! I sense in my spirit the Lord showing me I’m coming out of the turbulent cloud coverage and thick fog – breakthrough is nearing!

What relief! What excitement! What joy! 

The impenetrable weight of this season is beginning to lift and the Lord’s light, although scattered, is revealing itself. And the perpetual taunting of my spirit has given way to the occasional jeering.

I’m looking forward to leveling out from the ascent, and resting in the clear blue sky, smooth winds, and brilliant sun light. I am anticipating the look back to see what I’ve come out of, and I’m looking forward to a grateful heart toward what has, thus far, been impossible to appreciate.

…weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

Some seasons in life definitely last longer than a night, but the promise is still the same joy does come!

For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever. 2 Cor. 4:17

What hope! glory that vastly outweighs… Can you imagine it my friend? Can you grasp onto that hope in spite of your sorrows and suffering?

I know the weight of my troubles seemed unmanageable and overbearing, and at times I was sure I couldn’t breathe much less standup under the weight of them. Yet, God’s promise to us is a glory that isn’t equal to the weight of our troubles, but a glory that outweighs the troubles we’ve experienced or are experiencing now! And however long these troubles seem to be lasting, God has promised they won’t last forever, but the glory it produces will! 

Take hope in God and His word my friends, you will ascend out of the clouds and have a season of rest and clarity! You will be able to enjoy a lasting glory that your troubles have produced. And the authority you receive from your victory, well, it will crush and shorten the trials and tribulations of so many others God will place in your pathway.

I look forward to sharing all of the riches from this journey with you… Thank you for faithfully supporting me, privately praying for me, and remaining loyal readers. I love hearing from you, sharing what God is doing in your lives, and learning how Christ is working through you.

Here’s to leveling out!




3 replies
  1. Christina
    Christina says:

    Thank you for being real and taking us along in this journey with you!!! Loved this post and love you!

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  1. […] more could I do? I wasn’t the captain of this ship anymore. Yet, as I shared in Coming Out Of The Clouds there is always a break in the […]

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