I will never forget what my husband said to me the night he was diagnosed with cancer. I don’t have enough faith to do this. I don’t think anyone ever feels like they have enough faith when it comes right down to it. However, the Bible tells us we only need faith as big as a mustard seed, which doesn’t seem like much, so then what exactly does enough faith look like?

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. Heb. 11:1

Tom’s struggle wasn’t believing that God was with him, it was if he [Tom] could stand and believe God for a miracle. Enough faith is having confidence and assurance in spite of what we see or how we feel. 

Without weakening in his faith, he [Abraham] faced the fact that his body was as good as dead — since he was about a hundred years old — and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises. Romans 4:19-21

When we believe God has promised us things, and we are facing something that is completely opposite of what God had said, it isn’t always easy to stand and believe in spite of what we see. 


DON’T HIDE YOUR HEAD IN THE SAND: Acknowledge what isn’t happening and God’s delay. Facing the facts as you see them is not a sign of weak faith! The scripture says without weakening in his faith, he [Abraham] faced the fact.

KEEP ON KEEPING ON: Not wavering doesn’t mean never questioning. Abraham had his moments of struggling with what was going on with his promise from God. He even took matters into his own hands. [Not recommended] However, He was still considered to have unwavering faith because he consistently walked with God.

GET BIGGER BRITCHES: Allow your faith to grow. Recognize it is in the times of waiting on God that He increases our faith in Him! The longer the wait, the greater the faith. Abraham was 100 years old before he saw God’s promise, and he is considered to have had great faith!

CHECK YOUR DEPOSIT SLIP: Make certain your faith is in God and not the promise from God. Abraham’s faith was in the God who made the promise, not the promise God made. The only way we can be fully convinced that God is able to do what He says He will do is by making our deposits of faith in God Himself.

When Tom was finished with treatment, I asked him what was something he was taking from all of this. He said God is more real to me than ever before. This is where the confidence and assurance of our faith comes from, when the God of our promises becomes very personal in our lives.

Now that you’ve read my thoughts, share yours: What do you find is the hardest part about faith? What is the longest time you’ve had to believe for something? Are you still standing and believing for a promise?