There is a journey behind every book, and a story behind every journey. I had a few people ask some fun questions, and so thought I would answer them today.

Question #1: How does it feel to be writing a book?
Answer: Sort of like standing naked in front of a crowd

The courage to get these words upon a tablet has been a long road, a wrestling I might say, like Jacob wrestled with God. I’ve grappled on the mat with the Lord crying out for a blessing, and His reply was, “My blessing will cost you something.” And so began my journey to let God have whatever He requested from my life, and part of that request resulted in the stories in this book. 

Question #2: Are you afraid of what others will think of the book?
Answer: A little, ok maybe a lot on a bad day, but ultimately I trust God with my story

The Lord gave me a scripture years ago that I cling to whenever I feel He is asking of me more than I think I can provide, “No one who trusts in you shall ever be put to shame.” (Ps. 25:3).

Question #3: What do you do to prepare for writing?
Answer: Caffeinate and Pray

I have great friends who own a coffee shop, Journey Coffee Co., so I have fallen off the wagon and turned my occasional treat of a 16 ounce decaf, nonfat, and double shot espresso, into the real stuff — caffeine! And I partake several times a week! All fun aside, my routine is typically to spend time in the Word and in prayer with no agenda other than to be before the Lord, loving on Him and allowing Him to love on me. Then I say a quick prayer for the book and for those of you who will be reading the book, and put my fingers to the keyboard.

Question #5: What’s the most challenging part of writing?
Answer: 4 a.m. wake-up calls

It’s totally supernatural; I am NOT a morning person! I tried staying up late to get my daily word count in, but I was spent the next day. So now it’s early to bed and early to rise. I am a much more pleasant person to be around.

Thanks for being part of this journey. Your questions, prayers, and support have made it a great adventure. If you have more questions I would love to hear from you.


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