The 2020 Pandemic Exposed My Weaknesses, Defenses, Strengths, and Potential

Not unlike most of the world, 2020 threw me into a tailspin and exposed a shadow side I was unaware of. My last post was a tribute to turning 50, where the future was my to possess. Little did I know four weeks later, everyone's world would be turned upside down. And I would see just how emotionally unhealthy I really was.

A Letter to My 8-Year-Old Self

You'll spend a lot of your life feeling like you don't fit in. Most of the time, you'll believe it's because you're not enough, and then you'll swing to you're just too much. Somewhere along the way, you'll lose yourself, but you'll discover her again. You will actually fall in love with her, and fitting in won't seem to be that big of a deal. But it will suck that the revelation comes so much later in life.

Embracing Your God-given Destiny

{It is with so much excitement to introduce Donna to all of you! She's a tiny little thing who packs a huge punch! She's part of our media department here at Remade Ministries, and she a gifted writer and an amazing creative! Please show her…

Video Blog: Silencing The Outside Voices

If you are part of our online study group here is this week's video blog. I talk about a way to quiet the outside voices vying for our time so we can hear the voice of the Lord. I also give some good resources to help you do your own study…

Fire Falls On The Sacrifice

He gave IT ALL. He surrendered His will, SO THAT we could freely choose to live for Him. He overcame the impossible, SO THAT we could live the impossible life! He hung on the cross in defeat, SO THAT that we can stand in VICTORY! But... So…

{PRAYER REMADE} Finding Spare Time Somewhere Behind the Couch

I used to envy those who prayed out loud so fluidly and seemingly without error – ever know one of them?  The kind of person that prays as if they sat for hours memorizing and perfecting what they wanted to say? Yea, I’m definitely not…

VIDEO BLOG: Thankfulness In Everything

Chapter 3 of Strengthen Yourself In the Lord, Bill speaks about a heart change of thankfulness. It's so easy to get caught up in the negative parts of life, but God desires that we focus on Him and leave the negative issues to Him. When we thank…

{FAITH OVER FEAR} Motherhood, A Journey Of Trust

She will be 19 on Sunday. Where have these years gone? Am I really old enough to have a daughter turning 19! I don’t share much about my children, partially because it’s their stories to tell one day, and it's my job to cover them while…

{PRAYER REMADE} The Power Of Our Declaration

Because I said so! Oh, how I hated those words and swore in my youth I'd never say them to my own children! Only to find them leaking out of my mouth all too easily! But those four words hold so much authority! They end the conversation, draw…

{FAITH OVER FEAR} The Fear Of Failure

I went to the movies this weekend and, unlike most Americans, I did not watch Noah. I went to see Divergent! I am a sucker for those totalitarian films, which have the loan rebel who goes against the status quo. I love movies where the lead…

PRAYER REMADE: Is there a correct way to pray?

Most believers, if you ask them, say they don't feel they pray enough. So through the month of April we will be focusing on EVERYTHING PRAYER. Our goal is to inspire and build you up to be more confident in prayer! Everyone wants to know at…

Faith Over Fear: Fighting With Yourself

We have wild turkey's roaming around our new neighborhood. They are quite amusing to watch and beautiful when their tail feathers are all fanned out. However, if you watch them long enough, they just aren't that bright. I've seen them pace…