
The 2020 Pandemic Exposed My Weaknesses, Defenses, Strengths, and Potential

Not unlike most of the world, 2020 threw me into a tailspin and exposed a shadow side I was unaware of. My last post was a tribute to turning 50, where the future was my to possess. Little did I know four weeks later, everyone's world would be turned upside down. And I would see just how emotionally unhealthy I really was.

A Letter to My 8-Year-Old Self

You'll spend a lot of your life feeling like you don't fit in. Most of the time, you'll believe it's because you're not enough, and then you'll swing to you're just too much. Somewhere along the way, you'll lose yourself, but you'll discover her again. You will actually fall in love with her, and fitting in won't seem to be that big of a deal. But it will suck that the revelation comes so much later in life.

Making Time To Be Alone...

Throughout the Gospels it says that Jesus went off to be alone... To be alone is not natural to me. I enjoy being with family, friends, and just doing stuff! Quite frankly, I've never even lived on my own! I moved away from home at 18 and moved…

Praying Expectantly...

Would we pray with a greater expectancy if every time we prayed for healing it happened? Would our faith be stronger because our experiences could predict the outcome of our prayers? How would our expectancy be impacted if the prayers weren’t…

The unmet need...

'I was too busy looking at what wasn't enough to realize God was answering prayers, multiplying seed, and blessing our family right before my eyes! I couldn't get excited about the blessing, because I couldn't take my mind off the need!' That…

Detour Ahead

Change! It's unwanted when unexpected, and embraced when desired. Change is as fickle as an Elementary school sweetheart! One day for you, and the next day against you!

Prowling lion on the loose!

There is no reason as believers we need to go around pretending we've got it all together - Because we DON'T!! We don't have perfect little lives just because we serve Jesus!