Throughout the Gospels it says that Jesus went off to be alone…

To be alone is not natural to me. I enjoy being with family, friends, and just doing stuff! Quite frankly, I’ve never even lived on my own! I moved away from home at 18 and moved in with a roommate. I moved from the roommate’s place and right in with my husband after we got married.

Don’t get me wrong, as a busy mom and wife, I do long at times to be alone. I enjoy an hour here or there without anyone at home. The stillness of the house creates such an atmosphere of tranquility. However, Jesus wasn’t looking to just be by Himself, when He found Himself alone it was to be with His Father.

I have felt for months now that the Lord was desiring to draw me into a place I’ve never been before. I spoke about it in Learning to Dive Deeper. Try as I might, I haven’t been able to find my way there. My home is full of distractions; children, husband, friends, to-do lists, and electronics… in all that I can’t seem to find the deeper place.

So, today I am leaving to a remote location in the mountains. I will be there for three nights and four days. ALONE IN THE WOODS!!! The cabin has electricity, but no in-door bathroom (Oh help me Lord!).

My intention is to spend time fasting and praying. I am going with no expectations apart from meeting with Jesus. I am giving Him control of what happens when I get there. I want to know what it was like for Christ when He snuck off and got alone with the Father. I want to know where God would take Him, and what God would speak to Him. I want to experience something I’ve never had before… uninterrupted time with the One in which time does not constrain!

So, after I get the kids settled today, I am headed up the coast on a four hour drive to the middle of NO WHERE to find the presence of God. 🙂

If the Lord happens to bring me to your mind in prayer, please pray that I encounter Him like never before and that I don’t return the same as how I arrived!

I’m sure I’ll have tons to share with you when I return!

Much love and blessings,

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.  Mark 1:35


Now It’s Your Turn: What do you do to find time alone to be with the Father? Have you ever thought of going to an isolated place to be alone with Jesus? If so, what’s stopping you? Let’s Chat…


9 replies
  1. Christina
    Christina says:

    This is going to be such an adventure! It is so true that the fight to break free from distractions and really really put our attention solely on Jesus for any extended period of time is such a battle, and one I lose daily. I think removing ourselves from the whirlwind of distractions and reaquainting our ears with silence puts our spirits back in step with Him and retrains us in the lost art of waiting. It’s a removal of all the debris that accumulates our listening channels from media, our own self talk, and the lists and schedules we live by. We change our oil dont we?! Surely our mind body and spirit needs a good cleansing every now and then too 🙂 I really need a get away!

  2. Tom
    Tom says:

    Beth you are amazing! I Pray that God gives you great revelation this weekend. Remeber that He is already there at the cabin waiting for you to walk through the door. The kids and I have you covered and can’t wait to here the story. Love ya

  3. Jane
    Jane says:

    Such an amazing adventure ahead of you!! I pray that this trip will be blessed beyond anything you or I could ever imagine! Thank you for being such a great inspiration Beth!

  4. Beth
    Beth says:


    You my sweet husband are just as amazing! You had to let go of your own fears with me being gone alone in order for me to face my own! Simply put, you are beyond what I ever dreamed!

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  1. […] I wanted to experience, while I was in the woods, was what Jesus felt when He was alone with the Father. I don’t think I experienced that. I […]

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