Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8

I walked down the stairs this morning to find a glass vase full of a dozen red roses beginning to open. Propped up against the vase was a card. In the card held the sweetest words from my Valentine.

Surprisingly, next to the beautiful dozen roses, lay a bouquet of 12 long-stemmed white roses, the modest card next to it read:

Kait, Happy Valentine’s Day. You don’t have act a certain way, or do certain things to get me to love you. I’m your Daddy and I will love you no matter what. You are special.

Warm fuzzies should fill my heart right about now, right? Not exactly, I was actually annoyed…

See, last night my daughter had a 16-year-old “episode.” For those of you raising teens I need not explain another word. For those of you who have yet to experience the hellish roller coaster ride of parenting teens, needless to say last night our house was upside down for several hours.

So to see those flowers sitting next to mine, and to read the words on her card , I was like ‘whatever!’

And then Jesus spoke…

He said, my love covers and makes you white again. He was using the contrasting colors of these beautiful roses to remind me of the work at the cross.

And then I repented…

The love Tom showed Kaitlyn was the Love of Christ – unconditional, abounding in grace and mercy.

My red roses symbolizes the blood that covers sin, and Kait’s white roses are the symbol of God’s unearned grace and forgiveness.

Jesus never looks at us, and says “whatever!” He does what Tom did and says

I’m your Daddy, and I will love you no matter what. You are special.

We are never worthy of God’s love. He knows that and so do we… He loves us and forgives us because of who He is – LOVE.


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