Sleepovers as a preteen were some of the best time ever spent on a weekend. We played Truth or Dare, Hide and Seek outside at midnight, and stayed up all hours of the night talking about the love of our lives, and who we were going to marry! Tons of fun, and absolutely no sleep!

I remember the game of telephone. Where one person whispered in the ear of the other and so on, and the last person was responsible to tell what the phrase was. The circle was ever so silent, and we’d all whisper as softly as possible; hot breath tickling the inside of each ear. When the last girl would reveal the phrase, we’d erupt into wild laughter because it inevitably was completely wrong!


Sometimes when listening for God’s whisper it can feel like we are playing a game of telephone. We’re listening hard, remaining ever so quiet, and praying we don’t get it wrong. What happens when what we think should happen doesn’t? And in the end, we find the phrase was completely wrong.

More times than I’d like to admit, I’ve gotten the phrase wrong. I sensed that I know what I’ve heard and then nothing! I can testify that not seeing something come to pass can shake a person’s trust in God.

Fortunately for us, God isn’t playing the game of telephone. He isn’t hoping the phrase comes out wrong, and He definitely isn’t erupting in laughter at our mistakes!


The times when things didn’t quite go like I’d hoped, I now know God was watching my heart towards Him. Would I turn and run into Him, or turn and run from Him. He forever uses every situation in our lives to turn our heart’s affection towards Him.

I must admit, there were plenty of times I wondered what the purpose was in allowing me to keep on going down a road He knew was wrong.

Looking back, I can definitely see where I ignored warning signs that I should turn around. I was so focused on reaching the goal of what I thought I’d heard, that turning around and going the other way couldn’t possibly be the voice of God!

Other times, I can see where my heart was so focused on the promise, that my affection to the promise maker had all but disappeared. In those situations, I now see that God wouldn’t have forced His will upon mine. Even if it meant allowing me to walk down the wrong road!


What I’ve come to learned is that my perception, and my heart’s desires cause me to filter the voice of God. They can draw my attention away from the will of God, and onto the will of Beth. My hearing becomes impaired by my own desires, and my focus is skewed by my own scenery.

Now, when listening for the voice of God, I listen differently. My affection is more set upon the heart of God rather than the promises from Him.


I now long more for His affection toward me. My heart desires His presence more than His promises. Yes, I still stand on the promises I’ve received from God; however, what I’ve come to experience is that if my heart remains set upon His affection, then the things that are of me naturally die away, and the things that remain I am certain have come from His voice.

NOW YOUR TURN: Do you struggle knowing God’s voice? What are you doing to tune your ear? Have you found it difficult to trust Him when things have not gone like you’d hoped they would? Let’s Chat…

2 replies
  1. Cassandra
    Cassandra says:

    Just the perfect words for today and every day. I was just thinking about something I thought I’d heard. The question do we turn and run toward or from him is a great question. I could ask that of myself through the whole journey of hearing from him.
    On a side note, I had to laugh when I read this title. A friend tangled with an atheist yesterday who mocked her because she “heard voices”. She and I had a chuckle over your quote yesterday about arguing with idiots.

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      Hi Cass,

      On a side note, I had to laugh when I read this title. A friend tangled with an atheist yesterday who mocked her because she “heard voices”. She and I had a chuckle over your quote yesterday about arguing with idiots.

      Funny, I bet if your friend had said she follows the voice of her conscience there would have been no argument from the atheist. It doesn’t matter how we label God, it doesn’t take away from the fact that He is who He is. I pray that atheist has a love encounter with God that rocks his world upside down!

      Thanks for stopping by.

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