A true friend tells you that you have spinach in your teeth…

We all know there is nothing worse than coming home after a visit realizing that our tag is out or zipper down, and no one said a word! Did they not know, or were they just being polite?

The other day I realized that the comforter I’ve had on my bed for over a year has been on backwards! I thought of how many people I’ve shown my room to, and not one person made a comment. Did they not know, or were they just being polite?

Sometimes it is hard to judge when we should say something for the benefit of another, or be polite and say nothing. I know that those examples are not life altering, but what if they were? Would we speak up? Would we want someone to say something? Instinctively, we’d probably say yes, but in reality would we?

While waiting backstage during my daughter’s talent competition, I overheard a “religious” conversation between two women; one older and one younger. They were discussing why the young woman didn’t attend church, or believe in the ways of Christianity. “The church is so judgmental.” says the younger woman. From what I could gather, the conversation stemmed from why Christians, and the church, frown at long hair on men. The “religious” woman said that long hair on men in biblical days was considered disgraceful, and therefore God does not like long hair on men, and so the church is intolerant towards it. Poised, the young woman asked “Why then do all of the pictures of Jesus have long hair?” To which the “religious” woman replied, “That’s just man’s opinion of Him.”

I was squirming in my seat over this conversation. I was dying to jump in and bring in some truth! How confused the “religious” woman was, and it was clearly a perfect opportunity to share the grace and heart of God; however, I wasn’t close enough to comment without it being obvious I was eavesdropping. The conversation obviously held the potential for life-long impact and perception of the Body of Christ, and I said nothing! Was I just being polite?

It’s had me thinking about how many times believers hear Jesus, the Bible, or the character of God being expressed incorrectly, by other believers, and  say nothing! These are life altering moments for people. As believers, we understand that the eternal destiny of someone is being impacted. Yet, how many times do we stand and say nothing, hold our tongue, and be polite…

Joy comes to a man with the reply of his mouth. How good is a word at the right time! Proverbs 15:23


LET’S CHAT: Do believers have a responsibility to correct false teachings when they see it? Or would speaking out label us one of “those” type or intolerant? When we stay quiet, and not speak truth, are we promoting injustice in the world, since the truth we know justifies? What do you think would happen if the believers of today, spoke out against the Pharisees and Sadducees of our day, just as Jesus and the disciples did in their day?



2 replies
  1. Sandra
    Sandra says:

    Great point! By the way – not being “polite” – you have a typo in the second to last sentence! I believe you mean “quiet” and not “quite”! I think we do have a responsibility but we have to be careful with strangers which is why relationship is important. It’s in our daily living and dealing with our closest friends that we’ll need to speak up. And we have to pray for God to give us the gentle words!

    • Beth
      Beth says:

      It doesn’t matter how many times you proof something or give it to another… you will read things as you’ve typed it! Thanks for the comment Sandra, you are right. Grace and wisdom is always needed, but if we look at the examples of Christ it wasn’t necessarily through relationship that He corrected a Pharisee, it came out of the Authority of God, which as believers we all hold through the power of the Holy Spirit. Either way it’s definitely a thought provoking and challenging concept! 🙂

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